King County Integrated Planning



King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is updating their long-term capital plan to address water quality requirements in their combined sewer system. Approximately $1B of green and gray improvement projects are needed to provide long-term solutions to the challenges facing this region, which include aging infrastructure, stringent water quality regulations, and climate change. Lotus is part of a team of consultants — including Carollo Engineers, Herrera and HDR — providing long term solutions to the challenges facing this region, including aging infrastructure, stringent water quality regulations, and climate change. Notable components of Lotus’ scope include:

  • Green Street and GI Parcel Scorecard: Lotus developed a GI evaluation tool that consolidates the information needed to evaluate, rank, and assess viability of street segments and parcels into a onepage scorecard. Hydraulic performance, cost, multi-benefits, and constructability are visually displayed and scored.

  • Triple-Bottom Line Decision-Making Tool: Leveraging experience from past capital plans, Lotus is helping integrate multi-benefit criteria into the GI evaluation and decision-making process.

  • Alternatives Analysis Workshops: Lotus is supporting alternatives analysis workshops to refine the framework for prioritization, while providing a venue to compare capital plan alternatives.

  • Stakeholder and Community Engagement: Lotus is providing input on successful GI stakeholder, inter-agency, and community outreach programs.

  • Benchmarking Study of Municipal Programs: Lotus conducted a benchmarking survey of major cities to summarize the variety of water quality requirements nationwide, and the status of capital plans being implemented to meet them.