Hunters Point Northside Park

The 12-acre Hunters Point Shipyard Northside Park will be developed as a community meeting ground that provides nearby communities with a place for sport, leisure, discovery and sustenance, while providing regional waterfront access via the Bay Trail. Northside Park has an important stormwater management role for the vertical development currently under construction at Hunters Point Shipyard. Lotus Water is providing civil engineering services and is developing different alternatives for the site’s overall water management system that includes various integrative strategies to treat, reuse, and/or detain stormwater from 23 acres of offsite development and the park itself. This park site presents unique stormwater design challenges due to the presence of a shallow soil cap sealing off contaminated soil, the spatial demands of the park program, and coordination with adjacent developments.
Lotus’ scope of work consists of the development of onsite drainage, utilities, and stormwater control plans from concept to construction document phase. We are also performing overall site water balance analyses for the different site plan alternatives with various levels of water reuse options for non-potable demands.