When is a street not just a street?
What if the streets in our communities were better designed to provide safety and protection for pedestrians and cyclists, help increase resilience against the effects of climate change, and beautify our neighborhoods?
To take the leap toward sustainable streets throughout the county, the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) created the San Mateo Countywide Sustainable Streets Master Plan in collaboration with Caltrans under the Climate Adaptation Planning Grant Program. This long-term planning effort builds on years of watershed modeling and stakeholder input, and takes a closer look at how and where to build sustainable streets in San Mateo County that integrate stormwater management with local priorities, like bike and pedestrian mobility, transit improvements, climate change adaptation, and more. The plan also includes a down-scaled climate change analysis to better understand the potential future precipitation related impacts from climate change and how green stormwater infrastructure can help adapt to changing conditions.
Lotus—along with key project partners Alta Planning, Paradigm Environmental, and Urban Rain Design—worked with C/CAG to identify and prioritize sustainable street projects throughout the County, developing a scoring methodology to prioritize projects and a companion Green Infrastructure Tracking Tool website that summarizes sustainable infrastructure in San Mateo County and the benefits it provides for stormwater capture and climate resiliency.
Page through the complete plan and its associated documents here.