SFO Shoreline Protection Program

Lotus is part of a multi-disciplinary team performing a modeling and design study for the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to modify the site’s Shoreline Protection Program (SPP) with the intent of removing the site from FEMA’s mapped Special Flood Hazard Area that has a 1% chance or greater of flooding in any given year. The team is modifying the SPP to extend and replace the existing seawall and embankment to address the risk of flooding during storm events and king tides. The modified program is not only be designed to meet FEMA’s criteria for accreditation, but also to address the greater impact of flooding that could accompany future sea-level rise. These design alternatives will be subject to regulatory approval from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Coastal Commission, and possibly the U.S. Army Core of Engineers.
FEMA is also requiring an inland flood study to evaluate San Bruno Creek, Millbrae Slough, and U.S. Highway 101 as potential pathways for floodwaters to enter the SFO campus. Lotus’ responsibilities include performing a hydraulic and hydrologic study to identify inland flood risks and inform design of mitigation measures, assisting the team with development of schematic engineering and design concepts for flood protection solutions, and evaluating the interaction with and capacity of SFO’s internal stormwater drainage system during flood events.