Scott W. Durbin
MS, Environmental Engineering | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
BS, Civil Engineering | University of Notre Dame
Scott founded Sustainable Watershed Designs in 2007 to create a company focused on full water cycle design. The company, now doing business as Lotus Water, seeks out water resources and civil engineering projects that emphasize integrated water management solutions. This has led Lotus Water to be at the forefront of projects that reduce water consumption, re-use stormwater as a resource, or recycle wastewater. Scott’s experience includes urban watershed assessments, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, rainwater harvesting, green infrastructure design, and triple bottom line capital planning for major cities. Scott’s recent work has focused largely on assisting the City of San Francisco in implementing innovative green infrastructure designs and stormwater management policies aimed at making the forward-thinking city one of the country’s leaders in water sustainability.

Robert Dusenbury
MCE, Environmental Engineering | Georgia Institute of Technology
BS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | Georgia Institute of Technology
BA, Economics | University of Virginia
Robert Dusenbury is a registered civil engineer with over 20 years of experience in sustainable water resources planning and design. His areas of expertise include: computer modeling for surface water hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality; rainwater and graywater reuse; low-impact-development (LID) stormwater management and green infrastructure design; municipal water resources planning; and watershed management planning. He leads the design and implementation of green infrastructure and reuse projects ranging from green streets and site-level LID projects to watershed-scale capital programs. Robert has spearheaded rainwater harvesting and graywater projects across the Bay Area; designed and implemented stream restoration projects; and developed multiple green street and green infrastructure design guidance manuals for municipalities. Currently, he leads the green infrastructure monitoring program for San Francisco; is the lead engineer for the first two regional stormwater capture and reuse capital projects in northern California, which include large-scale reuse for irrigation, subsurface infiltration, and a recirculation system fed through bioretention and bioswale improvements; and is developing green infrastructure project concepts across Santa Clara County in compliance with their Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit, as well as monitoring and maintenance plans for long-term management of those assets.

Eric Zickler
MS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
BS, Civil Engineering | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Eric has dedicated his career to providing sustainable and cost effective infrastructure solutions for public and private clients at scales ranging from individual building sites to major cities. He has successfully applied these solutions throughout California, the US, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America over the past eighteen years. Eric is the Principal-in-charge for community infrastructure at Lotus Water. His experience working for large public-sector clients includes design, planning, program development, regulatory compliance support, and technical review related to stormwater and wastewater infrastructure. For the last several years, Eric has been working closely with Seattle, San Francisco, and other City agencies on developing long-term capital plans that deliver multiple benefits. This includes providing key support in the development and application of multiple models for green infrastructure capital project prioritization in Seattle and San Francisco, such as SFPUC’s Triple Bottom Line evaluation tool and King County’s Green Infrastructure Viable Project Evaluation Tool. Through his role in capital planning and his work on Bay Area waterfront design and planning projects—such as his program management role for the Port of San Francisco and his involvement in Resilient By Design in San Mateo County—Eric has been actively involved in developing design criteria to respond to climate change, flooding, and sea level rise. Eric has a long history of stormwater program development and is the lead for Phase 2 of SFPUC’s alternative compliance program, including fee-in-lieu, offsite mitigation, and stormwater credit trading.

Shauna Dunton
BS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
As the design leader at Lotus Water, Shauna Dunton is passionate about developing thoughtful and high-performing green infrastructure designs for local projects that provide big community benefits. She brings over 15 years of experience leading design and project management for high-profile green infrastructure projects in institutional, commercial, residential, and recreational settings in the Bay Area. These projects include key waterfront development sites in San Francisco—such as Mission Bay’s P22 Bayfront Park and the Ferry Landing Plaza. They also include innovative campus-scale GI projects—such as the first indoor rainwater reuse project at UC Berkeley, and the California College of the Arts Campus Unification project. Shauna recently served as project manager on several of the first green street capital projects for the City of San Francisco and initiated their new Green Infrastructure Construction Training Program. Shauna’s knowledge of GI and role as civil design lead on redevelopments has enabled her to identify effective ways to integrate stormwater management into the public realm while enhancing the project’s overall vision—such as in the San Francisco Civic Center Public Space Design and the SCVURPPP award-winning project Packard Foundation Headquarters.

Mike Adamow
BS, Community + Regional Planning | Temple University, Philadephia, PA
Mike brings over two decades of experience in construction and sustainable stormwater infrastructure, with the last eleven years focused on the planning, design, and implementation of green infrastructure (GI) projects in San Francisco leading the City’s GI asset management and maintenance programs. His specialties include: stormwater infrastructure construction and maintenance inspection; GI maintenance planning and program development; utility planning and policy development; construction field work and supervision; and environmental + regulatory compliance and monitoring. As an expereienced contractor with broad expertise in earthwork, grading, drainage, underground utilities, paving, and landscape/hardscape construction, Mike brings a unique perspective to Lotus which allows him to contribute to projects across their entire lifecycle – from planning, through design, construction, and into the maintenance stages. Prior to joining Lotus, Mike was responsible for launching and managing San Francisco’s GI training program under the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP), one of the first of its kind in the country.

Fayssal Al Assaad
MS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | University of California, Berkeley
BS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Fayssal is a civil engineer with experience in designing water conveyance infrastructure for large water reuse projects. He has consulted with government clients to develop national programs aimed at optimizing renewable water resources. Through his studies, Fayssal gained a thorough understanding of climate change and its environmental impacts, enhancing his appreciation for resource management. Eager to expand his expertise in water reuse, particularly its climate implications, Fayssal is dedicated to creating resilient and adaptable infrastructure for a changing environment.

Cindy Do
BS, Civil Engineering | Columbia University, NYC
Minor, Earth + Environmental Engineering | Columbia University, NYC
Minor, Architecture | Columbia University, NYC
Cindy is a civil engineer with experience in stormwater management, watershed analysis, utilities design, earthwork analysis, and hydraulic modeling. She has worked on site-specific residential, industrial and commercial projects as well as public projects of a broader scale. Cindy values sustainable and resilient development and enjoys developing and implementing strategies that foster a positive link between the built and natural environment and learning new technical skill sets and programs. In her free time, Cindy enjoys hiking, looking after her plants, browsing vegan & vegetarian recipes, and playing with other people's dogs.

Pam Drake
BFA, Photography | Georgia State University
Bio coming soon!

Aidan Joyce
BS, Civil Engineering | University of Notre Dame
BS, Physics | King’s College, Wilkes-Barre
Aidan Joyce is a civil engineer with six years of diverse experience in water resources and land development for both the public and private sectors. He began his career specializing in the design, maintenance, and rehabilitation of potable water and wastewater. His focus then expanded to managing the full scope of site design and permitting processes for land development projects. Aidan’s experience in both water resources and land development has equipped him with a comprehensive set of skills, enabling him to oversee the design, permitting, and approval processes for a wide range of civil engineering projects. His technical expertise includes advanced proficiency in AutoCAD Civil 3D for precise plan development, and HydroCAD for hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) analyses.

Amy Kam
BS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
BA, French | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Minor, International Engineering | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Amy Kam is a water resource engineer and project manager with specialized experience delivering infrastructure projects focused on flood resilience and sustainability in San Francisco. Prior to joining Lotus, she was a Project Manager at the SFPUC, where she oversaw project planning, conceptual design, and engineering design activities across multidisciplinary teams and agencies. In addition to her agency experience, Amy has extensive experience working on low impact development, sustainable stormwater strategies, community infrastructure, and development projects for a diverse range of private and public-sector clients in the Bay Area and abroad. Well-versed in a variety of programs including AutoCAD, GIS, and Adobe CS, Amy has an eye for graphics + product design, and knack for leveraging technology to optimize workflow scalability + design automated solutions, and loves any excuse to get lost in data, art, ivories, + new places.

Rachel Kraai
MLA, Landscape Architecture + Environmental Planning | University of California, Berkeley
Rachel specializes in the planning and integration of projects, programs, and policies to create more sustainable wastewater and stormwater management systems. Her areas of expertise include collection system planning, green infrastructure planning and implementation, flood resiliency planning, non-potable reuse programming, and regulatory compliance. She has worked for both large and small cities to improve both combined and separate systems and support regulatory compliance, and has an intimate understanding of planning and implementation challenges from the municipal point of view. She has managed multiple watershed-scale planning processes including stormwater resource planning processes and urban watershed assessments. She has also led the development and/or update process for numerous guidance manuals including the San Francisco Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines and the San Francisco Graywater Design Manual for Outdoor Irrigation. Rachel is passionate about stakeholder engagement and is sought after for her ability to develop successful partnerships and innovative engagement strategies. Prior to her work in urban watershed planning, Rachel worked in transportation planning with a focus on bicycle and pedestrian projects. Rachel recently joined the Lotus Water team because of her long-standing respect for the company’s ethos and high-quality work.

Kristen Matsumura
MS, Civil Engineering | University of Colorado, Boulder
BS, Civil Engineering | University of California, Davis
Kristen is a water resources engineer with six years of experience providing technical support for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) regulation, planning, and design. She brings specialized expertise of the modeling, statistics, and regulatory requirements that is the foundation of stormwater management. Kristen's technical knowledge and research has informed regulation and incentive programs in the Seattle Puget Sound Region and the SF Bay Area. She has experience providing planning and design of GSI systems for public agencies and private developers in the US and China. Kristen is continually learning and expanding her technical knowledge and enjoys finding innovated solutions to the complex infrastructure problems of the built world.

Terrence Ngu
MLA, Landscape Architecture | University of California, Berkeley
BS, Environmental Systems | University of California San Diego
Terrence is a landscape architect with a background in stormwater management. Terrence has experience designing green infrastructure for private developments and consulting municipalities on local stormwater programs. His interest in stormwater and landscape architecture came through a semester abroad in Copenhagen where he learned how architects were designing spaces that engaged public life and also managed runoff by visibly integrating natural systems into our urban environment. Experiencing this type of public space led him to pursue urban design that emphasized stormwater treatment and reuse; he aspires to design places that connect with broader communities and bring greater awareness to water and greenspace in our cities.

Katie Pilat
MS, Civil Engineering | University of California, Berkeley
BS, Civil + Environemental Engineering | Cornell University, Ithaca
Katie is a registered Civil Engineer with a focus on sustainable water resources management and watershed planning. Her experience includes Low Impact Development (LID) planning, design, and review; planning and regulatory consulting for public-sector clients; green infrastructure demonstration projects; and watershed restoration planning and outreach.

Serina Rankins
AA, Paralegal Studies | Merritt College, Oakland
Bio coming soon!

Nathan Stormzand
BS, Interdisciplinary Engineering | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Nathan is a civil engineer with nearly 15 years of experience with a focus on water resource projects in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. He began his career in the environmental field focusing on surface water and groundwater monitoring, modeling, and remediation. Nathan has since worked on projects varying from large-scale hydraulic control and coastal protection structures to recycled water retrofits of public park irrigation to village-level water distribution systems. Along the way, he has acquired and refined skills in 3D design using AutoCAD Civil3D, graphic display and analysis in ArcGIS, and the modeling of stormwater, surface water, groundwater and water / wastewater distribution systems. Nathan has spent his time at Lotus working on green infrastructure (GI) monitoring, revisions and refinements of GI sizing calculators, recycled water retrofits, non-potable water systems, and other, varied aspects of municipal long-term control plans and stormwater management programs.

Margot Walker
MS, City + Regional Planning | Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
BA, Sustainable Development | Prescott College, Prescott, AZ
Margot is a senior planner and project manager with thirteen years of experience in green infrastructure (GI) program development for large cities. After more than twelve years with the City of New York, she moved to the West Coast in early 2020 and has been working on new but familiar challenges in water quality compliance and planning for climate resilient watersheds. As a director for New York’s Green Infrastructure Program, Margot managed a $1.5 billion capital plan to build GI on public and private property. She oversaw all aspects of program development including establishing design standards, building partnerships, developing performance metrics, and regulatory compliance.
Margot is drawn toward projects that require her to work closely and creatively with a broad range of people including designers, planners, scientists, attorneys, community stakeholders among others. Specifically, she has led project delivery strategy for GI assets at scale and has also developed and administered grant, incentive, and maintenance programs for green assets.
As a former public sector manager, Margot understands the balance of regulatory compliance, capital planning, and smart policy to provide the most cost-effective green solutions for ratepayers. Margot is excited to work at the intersection of delivering sustainable stormwater solutions and climate resilience and adaptation, workforce development, and environmental justice.

Bryce Wilson
BS, Civil + Environmental Engineering | University of California, Berkeley
Bryce is a civil engineer with a career focus on sustainability, specializing in water resources and alternative infrastructure systems. Though possessing a broad civil engineering background, his experience has emphasized innovative stormwater facility design, high-performance green infrastructure (GI), and alternative water reuse. He has worked primarily on projects in California, with some experience nationally and abroad, on diverse efforts ranging from the detailed design of individual streetscapes to large-scale regional master plans. Mr. Wilson has extensive experience collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, public agencies, and private developers on infrastructure and development projects from planning and conceptual design through construction.

Kelsey Wilson
MLA, Environmental Planning | University of California, Berkeley
BA, Environmental Studies | University of Vermont, Burlington
Kelsey recently completed her Masters in Environmental Planning at the University of California, Berkeley where she researched alternative ecological solutions for treating brewery wastewater.
She has more than 10 years of experience in the environmental field including working for the City of Austin, Texas implementing improvements to bike and pedestrian infrastructure through strategic design and community engagement. Kelsey has also managed international hazardous waste logistics, as well as having experience in environmental testing and energy efficiency. Before coming to Lotus Water, Ms. Wilson analyzed the impact of the Better Roof Ordinance for the San Francisco Planning Department. She has a passion for urban design, biking, rivers, permaculture, and systems thinking.
Some text in the Modal..