Bay Area Disadvantaged Community + Tribal Involvement Program

Funded by State Proposition 1, the Disadvantaged Community + Tribal Involvement Program (DACTIP) is being administered throughout California through the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program and is designed to include communities and Tribes into IRWM and other water planning and decision-making efforts. In the Bay Area, funding is being applied directly to community-based groups and Tribes for outreach and needs assessment processes to understand water-related needs and challenges from the perspective of the communities and Tribes who experience them.
Along with DACTIP team partners SFPUC, SFEP, and RMC, Lotus is supporting these needs assessment processes and following up on identified needs with community and Tribal partner organizations by providing additional data gathering, engineering and design studies, grant writing support, and other capacity building efforts to ultimately support the development of projects that address persistent community water issues.
Findings from the needs assessment process were published in the September 2022 Regional Water Needs Assessment report.