Green Infrastructure Grant Program

As part of developing a multi-faceted stormwater management strategy for San Francisco, Lotus was the technical lead for creating a Green Infrastructure (GI) Grant Program for SFPUC. The program funds the design and construction of green stormwater infrastructure on large public and private properties, with the goal of reducing stormwater runoff while delivering public benefits that enhance the quality of life for all SFPUC rate payers. The program is part of SFPUC’s long-term capital improvement plan, with projects eligible to receive up to $2M each. Project types can include permeable pavement, bioretention, rainwater harvesting, rain gardens, and vegetated roofs.
Lotus developed the grant application and embedded forms, including: site performance calculator, design checklist, cost template, and maintenance forms. Since the GI Grant Program launched in February 2019, Lotus has supported program implementation by providing technical guidance to applicants, including site walk assessments, concept development assistance, and design submittal review. Lotus is currently updating eligibility criteria, establishing performance metrics, and co-leading public outreach to support the introduction of a new competitive application process that places greater incentives on holistic projects that include multiple community benefits.
The program is the winner of a 2020 Outstanding Sustainable Stormwater Program Award from the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA).