Rainwater Infrastructure Building Typologies Pathways Study

The City of Vancouver is working to achieve ambitious rainwater management goals, which in part rely on onsite management delivered by the private sector. As the development community adapts to enhanced onsite requirements, the City is responding with a Rainwater Infrastructure Building Typologies Pathway Study (“Study”) to inform policy and provide the appropriate tools and guidance to collaboratively achieve rainwater management goals. Lotus is leading a consultant team of technical experts, local designers, and public engagement specialists collaborating closely with the City to:
Develop a set of building-site typologies that are representative of the range of new construction occurring in Vancouver and organized around differing opportunities for rainwater management;
Evaluate local regulations and practices related to Green Rainwater Infrastructure (GRI) and make recommendations to streamline;
Establish a clearly defined set of assumptions and procedures for sizing GRI practices to meet the capture, treatment, and flow rate targets; and
Develop Vancouver-specific construction and operating costs for the different GRI tools.
The outputs of the study provide guidance on the GRI tools that can be used to comply with performance targets across the range of new development and redevelopment occurring in the City, as well as the costs, implementation barriers and possible solutions, and meaningful co-benefits associated with the application of these tools. In addition to developing a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with compliance, Lotus is recommending policy and process changes to aid both the City and the development community in realizing the shared goals of impactful, cost-effective, and appropriately designed projects.