Botanical Garden - Horticultural Expo 2019

Beijing Expo 2019, hosted by the Chinese government and the Beijing Municipality, is a worldwide horticultural exposition. Lotus supported Office Ma in the design of the “Kaleidoscope” Botanic Garden Project located on the southwest side of the expo park. The comprehensive exhibition site includes an interior plant greenhouse, exhibition spaces, inviting exterior plazas and paths woven into the natural topography, all designed to entertain, educate, and immerse visitors in the overall Expo themes and goals. Lotus developed an innovative, one water strategy to integrate flood control, water quality management, and water reuse into the landscape and architecture of the greenhouse.
Lotus was able to leverage Office Ma’s unique design to develop storage for large storm events, treat stormwater runoff in staged bioretention and constructed wetlands, and create innovative water reuse strategy that optimized the demands of the indoor and outdoor gardens with the seasonal rainfall in Beijing. The system is a first-of-it-kind integration of flood control, water quality, and water reuse features into fully integrated system that responds to the design features and complex nature of this event space.
The pavilion and surrounding stormwater wetland areas were completed in late 2019 and won a 2020 Good Design Award (Japan Institute of Design).