Watershed Planning Charrettes

photo: SFPUC

photo: SFPUC

photo: SFPUC

green infrastructure concept alternatives for make merced basin

photo: SFPUC

photo: SFPUC

Lotus Water led the engineering analysis for implementation of citywide watershed planning charrettes in San Francisco. For the charrettes, Lotus performed the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to establish the watershed management objectives in each of the City’s major drainage basins. Lotus also developed the tools used to evaluate the costs and benefits of LID projects proposed at the charrettes.
Charrettes invited participation from community members by playing an innovative Watershed Planning Game. Played by more than 300 people, the “game” brought together technical and non-technical participants to understand system challenges and to grapple with tradeoffs in budgets and the performance goals. Teams developed project ideas consisting of multi-purpose green and grey infrastructure concepts to be further evaluated for technical feasibility and cost effectiveness.
The game won the award for 2013 Outstanding Public Involvement/Education Program from the Association of Environmental Professionals.