South City Storm Drain Master Plan Update

Lotus—along with its project partners Towill and Presidio Systems—is working with the City of South San Francisco to overhaul all aspects of how the storm drain system is operated, maintained, improved, tracked, and managed. The team is performing a system-wide survey and condition assessment, with pipe cleaning where needed, to gather complete and accurate data on the entire system to create a comprehensive GIS database and hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) model for use in asset management and performance evaluation. This will respectively culminate in a Capital Improvement Plan laying out an implementation schedule of needed improvement projects along with a funding strategy to get them built. All data collected in the field is being incorporated into GIS master database to update the City’s CAD base maps, track asset condition and maintenance, and export data to create a new citywide SWMM model to evaluate system performance and flood risks under different climatic scenarios for every block in the City.
Lotus has also developed an interactive GIS-based online map to track progress during the project, and we will evolve it into an asset tracking tool for use by the City going forward. Using the new database and model, Lotus will work collaboratively with the City to prioritize system challenges, develop and prioritize conceptual solutions, and lay out a Capital Implementation Plan with a phased budget horizon and dedicated funding section. Lotus is also creating new drainage design standards with supporting standard details, as well as a new O&M Manual covering all major components of the storm drain system.