Sustainable Streets Master Plan

The Sustainable Streets Masterplan merges active transportation complete streets planning with stormwater-focused green street analysis to create a recommended network of sustainable street improvements across San Mateo County. Lotus—along with project partners Alta Planning and Paradigm Environmental—worked with the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) to identify and prioritize sustainable street projects throughout the County. Tasks include developing sustainable street typologies that map to funding mechanisms to facilitate implementation. The typologies help link green infrastructure (GI) improvements to planned active transportation projects, such as pedestrian safety/vision zero improvements, bike lane/connectivity improvements, and main street/commercial corridor reinvestments. Lotus worked with municipalities throughout the County and a multi-disciplinary Stakeholder Advisory Committee to create an implementation plan that maximizes co-benefits by leveraging overlaps between stormwater, transportation, social equity, and climate change priorities. The project was awarded a California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) 2021 Outstanding Sustainable Stormwater Project.