Baker Beach Green Streets
The Baker Beach project implements bioretention, infiltration galleries, and permeable pavement along a half mile of El Camino del Mar, Sea Cliff Avenue, and 25th Avenue North in the Sea Cliff neighborhood. The El Camino Del Mar project area consists of multi-functional green infrastructure nodes at three existing golf course path crossings and adds a new crossing and node in front of the Lands End Trailhead.

Holloway Green Street
The Holloway project implements bioretention and permeable pavement along eight blocks of Holloway Avenue in the disadvantaged neighborhood of Ingleside. The project converts an urban residential street and bike route into a green, pedestrian and bike-friendly corridor by incorporating multifunctional green infrastructure.

San Bruno Green Infrastructure Plan

Visitacion Valley Green Nodes
The Visitacion Valley Green Nodes, completed in 2019, implement green stormwater infrastructure at two community designations within the disadvantaged neighborhood of Visitacion Valley. The Leland Avenue Rain Garden site, at the edge of McLaren Park, creates a large 3,000 square foot terraced rain garden facility that manages stormwater from the adjacent Visitacion Avenue.
Sunset Boulevard Greenway
Completed in 2021, the Sunset Boulevard Greenway project includes 30 rain gardens over 12 blocks designed to reflect the natural topography and soil conditions of Sunset Boulevard, which are incredibly supportive of stormwater infiltration, and will improve stormwater management for 19 acres of paved surfaces in the Sunset District. Comprised of native and drought-tolerant plants chosen for their resilience during both wet and dry conditions, the rain gardens are projected to manage 5.3 million gallons of stormwater annually.

Yosemite Creek Daylighting
The Yosemite Creek Daylighting project, currently in the design phase, is located in McLaren Park and along the southern side of SFPUC’s University Mound South Basin. It’s the first phase of a long-term plan to resurrect the complete length of historical Yosemite Creek connecting the original headwaters all the way to the Bay.