Port of LA – Town Square + Promenade

Part of the Los Angeles Waterfront revitalization efforts, the San Pedro Waterfront – Town Square and Ports O’ Call Promenade projects will redevelop an aging waterfront retail space into a 3.5-acre public plaza and a 0.8-mile long urban boardwalk promenade. Serving as the green infrastructure design consultant and stormwater engineers on the project team led by Populous Design, Lotus Water developed a conceptual stormwater management plan for the adjacent Promenade and Town Square project sites that prioritizes green infrastructure facilities integrated into the landscape site plan. The conceptual stormwater management design strives to provide multi-beneficial landscape-based stormwater facilities that meet regulatory requirements.
Services include hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to correctly size and layout stormwater BMPs. The proposed BMPs consist of permeable pavement, traditional bioretention basins/raingardens and bioretention planter crossing the promenade. The bioretention-crossings provide an opportunity to showcase green infrastructure along the Promenade while interjecting landscape elements within the concrete pavement.